Frequently Asked Questions

Orthodontic Treatments

Why choose an orthodontist over a general dentist?

Orthodontists like Dr. Skrobola and Dr. Frantz receive extensive specialty training beyond dental school and utilize the most advanced techniques. Specialists can apply the most cost-effective, time-efficient methods and materials, tailoring treatment plans to specific problems. Additionally, Dr. Frantz and Dr. Skrobola are board-certifed, the highest level of achievement an orthodontist can obtain. This represents their commitment to providing the highest quality care to their patients..

What is 3D scanning?

Using brand-new technology, we are excited to offer impression-free digital scans! This allows for more precise records with no discomfort and better serves our aligner patients.

How long is the average treatment?

Active treatment time varies from individual to individual, but typically a comprehensive case does not exceed two years. On the other hand, some cases may take only six to twelve months. This depends on patient goals, the difficulty of the case, treatment plan, and patient cooperation. Patient cooperation can become one of the most important issues when determining the length of treatment time. After active treatment, all patients should expect a retention phase.

What are aligners made of?

Invisalign® aligners are made of clear, BPA-free, flexible plastic. The company received a patent for this material – SmartTrack® – to be used exclusively for Invisalign treatment purposes. These aligners are FDA approved and nearly invisible!

Spark Aligners, on the other hand, are made of TruGEN™, the latest generation of aligner material, and are engineered to provide better-sustained force retention for maximum efficiency.

Will wearing the aligners affect my speech?

Like any orthodontic treatment, there is a short adjustment period. The more you speak with the aligners on, the quicker you will adjust.

Does it hurt to get braces or aligners?

There is no discomfort associated with the placement of braces. Minor discomfort is sometimes felt for a short period of time after routine adjustments. The soreness is a result of the tooth movement that occurs.

Should I continue to see my general dentist while in orthodontic treatment?

Absolutely! While under orthodontic treatment, regular dental checkups become even more important to prevent and detect tooth decay. Healthy teeth and surrounding tissue make tooth movement more comfortable and efficient.

What should I do with poking wires, loose brackets, and cheek irritations?

Orthodontic emergencies seldom occur, but if they do, our doctors are always available to all patients. Place orthodontic wax to provide temporary relief, then call our office to schedule a visit.

Are there any food restrictions while wearing braces or aligners?

Be mindful that orthodontic appliances are sensitive to damage, so you’ll need to avoid certain foods for as long as you have them.. These include sticky and hard foods that can damage the wires or bands or cause a bracket or attachment to separate from a tooth, such as popcorn, toffee, and hard candies.

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